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The War Against the Jews
“The Egyptian, the Babylonian, and the Persian rose, filled
the planet with sound and splendor, then faded to dream-
stuff and passed away; the Greek and the Roman followed
and made a vast noise, and they are gone; other peoples
have sprung up and held their torch high for a time, but it
burned out, and they sit in the twilight now, or have vanished.
The Jew saw them all, beat them all, and is now what he always
was, exhibiting no decadence, no infirmities of age, no
weakening of his parts, no slowing of his energies, no dulling
of his alert and aggressive mind. All things are mortal but the
Jew; all other forces pass, but he remains. What is the secret
of his immortality?”
Mark Twain
Initial thoughts
The war against the Jews has been waged from the dawn of history and is relentless until this very day as we are now witnessing with the awful and outrageous assault on Israel’s southern villages and towns a year ago. All this has been followed by relentless missile attacks from Gaza, Lebanon, Yemen and Iran aimed at the civilian population centers of Israel. If it were not for Israel’s missile interception system by now hundreds of thousands of Israelis, if not millions, would have been killed. It is a saga of great proportions and significance though many fail to see it or appreciate it. It has one goal in mind and that is the liquidation of the Jewish people and the State of Israel. This is precisely why, beginning on October the 8th 2023, the raging antisemitic mobs marching on the streets of the cities of the world, and waving Swastika flags, have cried out:
“From the river to the sea Palestine will be free”
The world wants a new world order where the Jews are subdued and put in a place of humiliation. The attempt to murder the Jews has taken many forms over the centuries including open hostility and wickedness as we witnessed in the Second World War. Although in recent years, unable to achieve this end by conventional war, this attack against the Jews has been political in nature and very often couched in the language of peace and political intrigue as we have witnessed with the BDS movement and the failed Oslo Accords. It is waged according to a narrative that is historically inaccurate and pure myth but one that is accepted in most circles as truth. Just the idea, for instance, of Israeli occupation of Palestinian lands is totally untrue but accepted everywhere. The Palestinians never ever had a state in history and the ground they claim for a state was in fact occupied for centuries by the Ottoman Turkish Empire and then illegally by the Jordanians from 1948 to 1967. Before that from 1917 onwards it was mandated to the British Empire because of the First World War, who also by the Balfour Declaration, declared that it should become a Jewish State. Indeed, the restoration of the Jewish state in 1948 came into existence by the will of the international community expressed through the United Nations but previously it was ratified by the San Remo Agreement of 1922 and the League of Nations. It must also be borne in mind that the Jews and their state do not represent a colonial initiative since the Jews have an unbroken history with the land of Israel that goes back 4000 years. There is hardly a nation on earth that can lay claim to a tract of land with these historical credentials. Of course, these facts mean nothing to those who seek only the destruction of the Jews and Israel.
Collaborating with evil
Today, Hamas, Hezbollah, Fatah, all surrogates of Iran, are fully committed to the liquidation of Israel. This fact is not hearsay or rumor, no, it is enshrined in their charters and confirmed by their statements; made frequently by themselves and in the Arabic speaking press. The school books and TV programs for children in the Palestinian Authority and in Gaza, and indeed all over the Arab world, constantly demonize the Jewish people and Israel and thereby incite their impressionable young minds to hatred and murder. In addition, in much of the Muslim world the “Protocols of the Elders of Zion”, which accuse the Jews of seeking global control, are routinely printed and distributed and regarded as fact even though this work has been discredited as a forgery. In addition, and sadly, the most read book on contemporary geo-political history is Hitler’s, “Mein Kamph.” This too is on public record, and all of this can be verified by a visit to the websites of Palestinian Media Watch, MEMRI and Amazon books. It’s all out in the open for all to see. The Jews are likened to pigs and apes and suicide attacks against them are glorified as the ultimate religious ritual in life! Those who carry out these horrendous acts are honored by having streets and squares named after them in Palestinian towns and villages and it is believed that they have instant access to paradise accompanied by erotic pleasures.
This same radical Islamic menace collaborated with Hitler in the hope that his triumph would also bring about the complete annihilation of all Jews. He came close but thank God was defeated and yet today the world community expects Israel to sit down and make peace with “Hitler” by giving in to ceasefire demands that in effect mean surrendering to radical Islamic jihadists. That is, with a people who fully embrace a Nazi styled vision and seek to complete it and even say it routinely in their Arabic speaking media outlets and on the streets of our cities. Winston Churchill faced the same demands from his allies and people inside his government. Thankfully, though all alone he stood against them. Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran have made a unity agreement that, according to its tenets, must result in the destruction of Israel and the murder of Jews everywhere. Just a day after awful the October 7th massacre a senior Hamas leader stated with pride and arrogance that their real goal is not a two-state solution but the murder of Jews everywhere in the world.
All of this is the backdrop to the awful events unfolding in Israel today. Without a doubt this is a religious war meaning that Iran and its proxies are determined to remove the state of Israel from what they deem to be Islamic land and thus defiled and polluted by a Jewish presence upon it.
The real root of the problem
The recent remarkable breakthroughs that Israel has achieved in terms of forging new peace agreements with the wider Arab world, known as the Abrahamic Accords, has infuriated the Mullahs of Iran and their radical Muslim followers. For them and their proxies this is apostasy that must be corrected. For far too long the nature of this conflict has been ignored or “swept under the carpet” by western politicians and power blocks like the European Union, the United Nations and even the present US administration. Time and time again Hamas have launched thousands of rockets against Israel’s southern towns and villages and the routine response from these halls of government has been that Israel should show restraint and allow her civilians to be attacked at will. The same is true now as she fights again for her very survival. This is outrageous and right-thinking people everywhere should now stand up in support of Israel and certainly affirm her right to vigorously defend herself against this monstrous assault against her people. No right-thinking government in any part of the world would tolerate such an attack.
Sadly, a world without a moral compass and unable to identify evil is therefore pressurizing Israel to make what would be a suicide pact with a new version of Nazism. Many of the nations pushing for this would not do it themselves but somehow it is good enough for the Jews. One must wonder why all this is happening. Are these people insane, just ignorant or is there another agenda being followed? Or, maybe still, there is a spiritual reality behind the War against the Jews! The Bible certainly says that there is because the Jews carry in their historical journey God’s redemptive purpose for the world. This is not the first time that dark, evil and devilish powers have sought to destroy and exterminate the Jews. This sad history began in Egypt 3600 years ago and it has raged ever since.
The God of Israel
Given that the very essence of sin is rebellion against God, it is therefore not surprising that anything that reminds a rebellious world of God will also be attacked. This is the nature of sin that lurks in the heart of every human being (Jeremiah 17:9). It is in fact a spiritual disease called antisemitism. If then this God calls into existence a people to take His name, reflect His character, and by them to redeem the world from sin, one can expect that such a people would become a target for extermination. From the very first day of Israel’s calling by God through Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and his twelve sons, this war began, and it has never stopped. It separates and divides the world and as long as the Jew exists it will rage. It is a desperate war and, if it were not for the faithfulness of God, the Jews would have vanished a long time ago. This is the answer to Mark Twain’s question, “What is the secret of their immortality.” The war against the Jews is in fact a war against God Himself. This is clearly taught in the first four verses of Psalm 83:
“Do not keep silent, O God!
do not hold your peace,
and do not be still, O God!
For behold, Your enemies make a tumult;
and those who hate You have lifted up their head.
They have taken crafty counsel against Your people,
and consulted together against Your sheltered ones.
They have said, “Come, and let us cut them off from
being a nation, that the name of Israel may be remembered no
It is to be noted from this passage in the Bible that the enemies of God strike out against Him by waging War Against the Jews! This war will then not stop until the evil in the human heart has been finally overcome by the intervention of a Jewish Messiah. Thankfully, this day is fast approaching. Nevertheless, the honor and existence of the only true God is at stake in this war and thus Israel will never be destroyed because God Himself, the God of the Bible, has vouched safe her existence! This is the promise of His word:
“Thus says the Lord, who gives the sun for a light by day, the ordinances
of the moon and the stars for a light by night, who disturbs the sea, and
its waves roar (The Lord of Hosts is His name): If those ordinances depart
from before Me says the Lord, then the seed of Israel shall also cease
from being a nation before Me forever.”
Jeremiah 31:35-36
He has also promised that those nations who endeavor to disinvest the Jews of their homeland will in the end suffer a terrifying judgment:
“For behold, in those days and at that time, when I bring back the captives
of Judah and Jerusalem, I will also gather all nations, and bring them down
to the Valley of Jehoshaphat, and I will enter into judgment with them there
on account of My people, My heritage Israel, whom they have scattered
among the nations; they have also divided up My Land.”
Joel 3:1-2
We however then are invited to “show our colors” by standing with and praying for Israel. In this we don’t work for God but with Him against those who, from generation to generation, pursue the “War Against the Jews.” Like Corrie Ten Boom, Raoul Wallenberg, Dietrich Bonhoeffer and many others of the Second World War era, we must now make good our promises to stand with Israel and defend her right to exist. It is truly sad to see how some well-known and respected Christian Leaders have come out against Israel in this current seven front war that she faces. They have boldly and arrogantly accused her of genocide against the Palestinians in Gaza and Lebanon. Nothing is further from the truth since Israel is fighting an enemy which has embedded itself in schools, hospitals, clinics, mosques and private homes. Hamas fighters have turned all of these into huge ammunition bunkers and defensive positions, linked by over 600 Km of tunnels. To limit civilian casualties Israel not only dropped thousands of leaflets urging them to immediately leave combat areas but she also sent text messages to all the cell phones in Gaza telling them to evacuate because of an impending military strike. In many cases these were ignored, or the civilians were prevented from leaving by Hamas, who in fact wanted them to act as human shields and if necessary, die doing so. (See note 1) It is just a fact as well that all the polls taken amongst the Gazan population have revealed that 79% of them fully supported Hamas’ assault on October 7th. Indeed, they did in their thousands, participate in this! (See note 2)
Moreover, senior military leaders all over the western world have openly stated that Israel’s attempt to protect the civilians of Gaza has been unparalleled in human military history. Recently at a press conference involving US diplomats, who were speaking out against Israel in this regard, a journalist asked the question, “Sir, how many civilians were killed in Iraq and Afghanistan by US soldiers?” To everyone’s amazement he replied, “I do not know”. To this the journalist replied, “The correct answer is hundreds of thousands, sir!” How strange it is that these things are ignored, even by Christian leaders, until it comes to the Jews. It is also a fact that two million Christians were murdered by Islamic radicals in South Sudan just 15 years ago and nobody cared or even knew about it and these same Christian leaders who routinely speak out against Israel and accuse her of genocide were missing in action when it came to this real genocide.
Final thoughts
War is a terrible thing and loss of life is always deeply mourned and never taken lightly but the war against the Jews has raged for centuries, and they have never been the aggressors; not then and not now. They are simply hated because they are Jews and Christian leaders who perpetuate this hatred should do a little introspection always remembering that the Savior they worship, and follow is a Jew and the city of God, that they look forward to entering in eternity, will have Jewish foundations and gates through which to enter it and is called Jerusalem. This is not surprising since Jesus said. “Salvation is of the Jews” (John 4:22).
We must use our sphere of influence to tell the truth wherever we can. Most of all we must take our place as watchman on the walls of Jerusalem, and through determined intercession, pray for Israel until our heavenly Father makes Jerusalem a praise in the earth, as He surely will (Isaiah 62:6-7). Thank God the sun and moon are still shining!
Malcolm Hedding.
1. Reliable statistics supported by the United Nations reveal that for every one coalition soldier active in Iraq 5 civilians died. In Afghanistan for every one active coalition soldier 3 civilians died. In Gaza for every one active IDF soldier involved 1.5 civilians have died. From October 2023 to October 2024, 17,000 Hamas Terrorists have been killed, all of which were embedded in civilian apartment blocks and in tunnels under them.
Moreover, Douglas Murray, an outstanding British journalist, and Colonel Richard Kemp, the Commander of the British Coalition Forces in Iraq, have both spent much of their time in Gaza over the past year; unlike the “armchair pundits” who pontificate from their offices far from the conflict on the ground. They both boldly assert that the manner in which the IDF has gone about protecting civilians in their assault of Gaza is quite frankly unprecedented and more than any other army in recent times has done.
2. In the Second World War the civilian casualty figure in Germany was awful to say the least and the only people responsible for this was Hitler and his Nazi regime. Like wise the only people responsible for the civilian causalities in Gaza are the leaders of Hamas and their huge public supporters. It must be remembered that Hamas came to power by a democratic vote and from the very outset they made plain their agenda that called for the destruction of Israel and every Jew. Near on 80% of the population supported them in fulfilling this agenda. Even some of the staff of UNRWA, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, participated in the October massacre of 2023. This of course is outrageous! Moreover, Sinwar now dead thankfully, the mastermind of the October 7th massacre, just a few months ago confirmed that 80% of the Gaza population were supportive of Hamas’ actions on that fateful day. This brings into question our so-called concept of innocent civilians, does it not?