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Global Hypocrisy and Selective Morality
“Now it shall come to pass in the latter days that
the mountain of the Lord’s house shall be estab-
lished on the top of the mountains, and shall be
exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow
to it. Many people shall come and say, “Come,
and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to
the house of the God of Jacob; He will teach us
His ways, and we shall walk in His paths.” For
out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word
of the Lord from Jerusalem. He shall judge
between the nations, and rebuke many people;
they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and
their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not
lift up sword against nation, neither shall they
learn war anymore.”
Isaiah 2:2-4
As I write the global media has wrung its hands and gnashed its teeth over the civil war in Syria and the killing of some 13,000 civilians by Assad but done nothing! Well this is to be expected but one cannot help but wonder why there are no rallies and riots all over the world protesting the killing of civilians as this war drags on to its inevitable end? Where were the screaming masses that took to the streets in London and elsewhere when Israel, legitimately, defended itself against Hamas initiated terrorism in 2008? They were protesting the loss of plus/minus one thousand civilian lives in Gaza. As things turned out just on six hundred of these were Hamas terrorists and combatants.
This war in Syria has seen countless thousands of civilians lose their lives and thousands more have been displaced in the last month alone! Did the United Nations, set up to be the guardians of peace, intervene with swift military action, as they did in Libya? Of course not;……and, what of the European Union? Apart from a few statements, they pursued “business as usual”. This was not Israel so no one cared and no one took to the streets on behalf of the suffering civilian population. States like Russia and China actually blocked all attempts to condemn Syria in the UN. They have “their vested interests”; more often than not the sale of weapons! This is nothing short of hypocrisy! But we’ve become used to it since it happens time and time again.
Ahmadinejad can deny the Holocaust and call for the destruction of Israel on a global stage, and arm himself with nuclear weapons to do it, and he can walk the halls of government around the world with impunity. The masses will not turn out to protest and Iranian flags will not be burned. In fact western European governments will continue doing business with him where and how they can in spite of the sanctions. This is the morally bankrupt world we live in. Selective morality is the name of the game and one thing stays constant; Israel will always get a bashing!
Her antagonists want concessions from her without recognizing her right to exist and the world, that is the Western World, goes along with this. This, in itself, demonstrates that the goal of those seeking concessions is not a two state solution living side-by-side in peace security but rather a one state solution with Israel consigned to oblivion. How odd that Western politicians can’t see through this or, is there another agenda? The recent termination of the gas flow from Egypt to Israel is a flagrant violation of the Peace accords signed between the two nations in 1979. Once again Israel gave up land for an agreement on paper that is being torn up! The same happened with Lebanon in 2000 and with Gaza in 2005. Land for peace is in fact land for more conflict! When will the lesson be learned?
Politics is always filled with intrigue and betrayal not to mention corruption. For these reasons it is good to know that there is a God in Heaven who has planned a day of reckoning for all nations. On that day the truth, and only the truth, will come out and Israel will be the place from which real peace will radiate to the world. The vision will not fail because Isaiah saw it! Even the United Nations has inscribed this vision upon its walls! How ironic!
Malcolm Hedding.
Blog Hamas Iran Israel justice Middle East UN